Allnews: La Chine bouleversera l’équilibre sur le marché des actions émergentes
L’inclusion des actions A chinoises dans les indices MSCI et le FTSE aura un impact positif par effets d’anticipation, prévoit Cord Hinrichs de Corestone IM.
L’inclusion des actions A chinoises dans les indices MSCI et le FTSE aura un impact positif par effets d’anticipation, prévoit Cord Hinrichs de Corestone IM.
China’s economic (and financial) growth has been extraordinary not only over the last decade, but over the last 40+ years. Dr. Cord Hinrichs, Head of Asset Allocation at Corestone Investment Managers AG, on investing in the ‘Middle Empire’.
Ask yourself, when was the last time you introduced a new asset class into your portfolio? Did you feel comfortable when the first investments were done, completely understanding what you were getting yourself and your pension fund into in terms of potential but also risks?
An in depth view into the the rise of china. We take a broader look at current events. And we start out with a movie-quote. – “Quantity has a quality all its own”-
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