Financial Investigator: Outlook for 2019
What are the opportunities and risks in 2019. Corestone’s brief outlook for the new year.

100 Jahre Finanz-Geschichte mit interaktiver Infografik und digitalem Bücherregal
Neue Finanzprodukte und Innovationen lösten immer wieder Finanzkrisen und Volatilität aus, brachten aber auch neue Ertragschancen. Corestone Investment Managers hat deshalb die Auswirkungen von vergangenen Marktschocks auf Börsen-Indizes und Asset-Klassen sowie die Reaktionen von institutionellen Anlegern darauf interaktiv aufbereitet.

CNNMoney: Will there be less pension funds in the future?
According to Martin Mlynár, CEO and co-founder of Corestone, there’s no reason why pension funds should not face the same market forces as other industries. This consolidation would reduce the number of funds in Switzerland.

Financial Investigator: Seminar on Disruptive Innovation, Long-Term Investing and ESG
Martin Mlynár, Partner and CEO of Corestone, spoke about how innovation and technology enable investors to navigate in complex capital markets and highly regulated environments.

Financial Investigator: Why just “best-in-class” ain’t good enough
Why a more sophisticated and holistic approach to portfolio construction will lead to more stable and better outcomes for investors