Financial Investigator: Round Table on ‘External Manager Selection’

De markt van institutioneel beleggen is onderhevig aan grote veranderingen. ESG, Big Data, de lage rente, consolidatie in de sector en andere ontwikkelingen leiden tot hogere eisen aan externe managers. Wat wordt van hen verwacht, wat vinden pensioenfondsen en managerselecteurs belangrijk en hoe ziet de toekomst eruit? Een Ronde Tafel over de selectie van externe manager.
Blue ships navigation illustration with compass, lighthouse and ancient maps

The institutional investment market is undergoing major changes. ESG, Big Data, low interest rates, consolidation in the sector and other developments are leading to higher demands on external managers.

What is expected of them, what do pension funds and manager selectors consider important and what is the future like? A Financial Investigator Round Table on the selection of external managers, joined by Corestone’s Co-Head of Research Marco Smelter.

Go to the Financial Investigator website, or read the full article as pdf in Dutch here.

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